Blackwood consultancy firm is poised at the intersection of web3 and traditional business

Our consultancy body onboards companies into web3 and its associated technologies, including blockchain, NFTs, the metaverse, and cryptocurrencies. 

Our communications body helps web3 companies convey their products to traditional audiences and investors.

Blackwood addresses both the possibilities and the limitations of web3 technologies so that clients can make informed decisions about exactly how their businesses can create value and tackle the challenges of this promising, competitive industry. Alongside traditional consultancy services, we offer tutorials, keynote speaking and boardroom advisory.

Our speciality is assisting web3 companies in demystifying their products for consumers and investors alike. We do this both through advisory support and content creation, building out white papers, core messaging, articles, and more. Our clients have included major blockchains, defi protocols, NFT and metaverse projects, and more.